Tesla Could ‘Make a Gazillion Bucks’ Thanks to New Chinese Gigafactory, Expert Says

Teardown expert Sandy Munro predicts big things for the electric automaker.


The automotive teardown expert Sandy Munro first made headlines when he stated the Tesla Model 3 had the build quality of a 1990s Kia. He has since changed his tone as Tesla made improvements to the production of its entry-level sedan. 

In a recent interview with Autoline Network, Mr. Munro explains he now believes that Tesla has big potential with the Model 3 and eventually the Model Y in China. During the interview, Munro stated, “When (Elon Musk) takes (the Model 3) to China, (Tesla’s) gonna make a gazillion bucks. I guarantee it.” 

While this is quite a big claim, Munro has gathered heaps of data from his teardown of the Model 3. Despite his belief that flaws exist with the design of the bodywork, he was impressed with the rest of the car, saying the electric motors and suspension were top notch. This, in turn, could translate to major success for the mass-market EV abroad, especially in China.

Munro said he believes Elon Musk won’t make the same mistakes with his new Gigafactory. Musk has had time to optimize the design and production process for the Model 3. With the new production facility, Tesla has the opportunity to fine-tune the assembly of the vehicle to reduce costs and streamline manufacturing.

“Elon made a few mistakes on that body. You think he’s gonna do it again? I don’t. You think the production lines are gonna be as bad as in California? I don’t. I think the factory in China is going to be wicked compared to what they’ve got in the States, and I think he’s going to be able to clobber everyone in China,” said Munro during his interview.